Census Records
1790: Only heads of household were listed. Family members were sorted by age categories and were noted by a hash mark. States the number of free white males/females, and also slaves.
1800-1830: Not many changes.
1840: States age of Revolutionary War Veteran.
1850: Every family member was listed by name. New information in this census: Age, Sex, Race, Occupation, Value of Real Estate, and Place of Birth. Slaves were no longer listed except for on slave schedules.
1860 and 1870: Very similar.
1880: Household members were listed with stated relationship to head of household.
1890: Most records were destroyed by fire in 1921. Half of the special veterans schedules did survive.
1900: The best! Birth month and year listed for each person; states number of children for mother of household (how many born; how many survived); number of years married; year of immigration; number of years in USA for foreign born person.
1910: The birth month and year were dropped. States a person’s native tongue and whether a person was a Civil War Veteran or widow of one.
1920: Civil War information was dropped. States number of children and years married. In addition, the year of naturalization and year of arrival for non-native born people were noted.
1930: States unemployment, income, age at first marriage, and whether household owns a radio.
1940: Same as 1930. Level of education and marital status is noted.
1950: Released to the public in April 2022, this census listed post WW II baby boomers. In addition to employment info, it also offers a transcription tool for users to make corrections.